Shipping to Canada

U.S. & Canadian FlagsIn order for Canadian customers to order products from The Deck Store, we need a U.S. shipping address. One option for Canadian customers is shipping products to a border drop-off location to be picked up. Kinek has US border package receiving locations from coast-to-coast. Have your products shipped to the border drop-off location. They will email you when your shipment arrives. Pick it up at your leisure.

You can follow the step-by-step instructions below to place your order from us to be shipped to a border drop-off location, where you can pick it up when it arrives.

  • Sign-Up for a free Kinek account, and follow the instructions on Kinek website.
    • After choosing a Kinek Point make sure to copy it's address in order to add it on The Deck Store.

Sign up at kinek

  • Order your products from The Deck Store

Add To Cart

  • In the Shopping Cart, click Proceed to Checkout.

Proceed to Checkout

  • When checking out:
    • Fill in you information.
    • Add your Canadian address in the the address lines.
    • Select "Ship to a different address".
    • Continue

** Register to earn DeckPerks points!

billing address

  • For the shipping information:
    • Fill in the Kinek point address point in the address lines.
    • Add Kinek phone number.
    • Select "United States" from the country list.
    • Continue

Ship To Address

  • Finish the rest of the steps and place your oder. Once the order is shipped and delivered to your Kinek point, pick it up and enjoy using our product!

Don't forget to share your feedback and add your product review!